You are not expected to get over it, let it go or move on.

I’ve been there. I am here for you. Let’s go through the process together.

Read A Note From Ashley Gooden-Stewart:

I am a La Marque, TX native, and the founder of Pocketful of Hope Grief Coaching and Support.

Pocketful of Hope is a telephone/virtual support service for bereaved mothers and people who have experienced traumatic loss.

After losing my 3 1/2 month son CJ Stewart in 2015, I have stood at the forefront of Pregnancy and Infant Loss, became a grief advocate and philanthropist.

I also have been blessed with two more children in 2017 and 2019.

Enduring an incredible healing journey and having strong faith to persevere, I am well equipped to educate you on grief and coach you to move forward on your grief journey.

Consider me as your Grief Companion and Grief Coach as you actively go on your grief journey.

Sincerely Yours,

Ashley Gooden- Stewart
Certified Grief Coach
Certified Workplace Grief Coach
IOPGC/From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program

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